Sunday, November 29, 2009

True Heroes, Classic Album and Random Notes


Each and every day we shamelessly give the term, “Hero” to people in the spotlight, who are able to use their talents to make monies for the businesses they work for. There are baseball, basketball and football players that are called “hero” every time they play just a game. These people, whether good or bad in their own lives, are given this credit by lending names to a foundation or cause while actually not giving to the cause.

In our lifetime we have been fortunate enough to have known of three true heroes from the athletic field. They are Roberto Clemente, Terry Fox and Rick Hansen. Let us look at what these great humanitarians did to be considered heroes too.

Roberta Clemente was a right fielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates who was from the Dominican Republic. He exhibited his hall of fame talents in Pittsburgh from 1955 to 1972. Some say that he was and still is the best baseball player ever from the Dominican Republic. He was able to win MVP awards and a World Series. Roberto Clemente’s greatest accomplishment was giving back to his home country to assist the children of this great nation. He not only lent his name but paid the ultimate price with his life on December 31, 1972 while on a relief mission to Nicaragua by his plane crashing in the Caribbean. A fellow country that was devastated by an earthquake.

Terry Fox became famous for his Marathon of Home across Canada from April 12, 1980 to September 1, 1980. What made this marathon a special marathon was that Terry Fox was a cancer survivor and was doing this to show cancer can be beaten not the human inside us all. Unfortunately, the Marathon of Hope was not completed because there was cancer discovered in his lungs. We lost this inspiration on June 28, 1981. His legacy is that Terry Fox united a nation and completed 5373 KM and an annual run is hosted under his name. More important he gave us all hope.

Rick Hansen was involved in a car accident when he was fifteen years old. While recovering from this accident, Rick Hansen realized he was to be paralyzed for the remainder of his life. Before the accident, Rick Hansen was a very athletic individual. These skills were put to the test and he graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Physical Education Degree, even with his disability. His lasting legacy started on March 21, 1985 from Vancouver. Rick Hansen took his wheelchair across the earth in the Man in Motion Tour that took place in 34 countries and logged over 40 000 KM. Rick Hansen’s main goal was to raise awareness and funds for spinal cord research and at the end of this tour on May 22, 1987 $26 million dollars had been raised.

These are just three examples of human beings who truly do not want the attention but were able to use their heart and desire to unselfishly affect us all. People everyday give unselfishly to all of us and should be considered heroes in our world. They are the people who volunteer at shelters, walk a thons, and raise awareness. Unfortunately one of the best characteristics about these heroes is that you do not know who they are because they do not want you to know they are heroes.

Classic Albums

Richie Sambora – Stranger in this Town

After being the side man in Bon Jovi for many years and adding some of the best harmonies to all of the songs that you and I love, in 1991 Richie Sambora decided to release this masterpiece. This rock and blues influenced album has never gotten the credit it so richly deserved by the masses. Richie Sambora lets his true soul out in this piece of recording. You can hear this in his very honest passion and playing throughout this album. Known for his guitar playing, Richie Sambora bares his soul in the slow ballads, “Stranger in this Town”, “One Light Burning”, “Father Time” and concluding the albums with the tearfully passionate “The Answer”. Now this is not just a ballad album. He lets the music and songs rip during “The Ballad of Youth”, “Rosie” and “Church of Desire”. Throughout the album, Richie Sambora’s backing band was not other than the remaining players in Bon Jovi themselves and a Mr. Eric Clapton takes over the guitar playing in “Mr. Bluesman”. What struck me throughout the entire album was the voice that was given to these songs. You can tell that this was a labour of love and when you listen to it, you cannot help but feel that too.

Random Notes

I have been reading about the controversy in regards to Adam Lambert’s performance at the American Music Awards. Well being an eighties child, this brings me back to a time where not all music was based on talent just looks. What he did was sacrificed his actual talent for a performance that got everyone talking and that was it. There is no doubt that Adam Lambert has vocal talent and has the potential to be compared to such great singers with range such as Freddie Mercury, Axl Rose or Paul Stanley. However, he played the publicity card that took away from his talent. I wonder if he did not have a CD coming out the same week if he would have done it. I do not think so. It is a shame.

I will give credit to Kris Allen, the person who did actually win American Idol the same season and here is why. The week before he released a CD and did not play that card. Kris Allen is letting the music speak for itself. Kris Allen’s CD will not sell near the amount but he has my respect for not going that route.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Art Therapy and Other Musings

Art Therapy

When Jake was 5 years old, his father was essentially taken out of his life. His father was suffering from a mental illness and once he was admitted to a hospital for evaluation, Jake’s mother took the opportunity to lock him and years of physical and mental abuse out of the home. Now Jake did not know about the physical and emotional abuse that was being given to her as Jake’s mother took all of her efforts and shielded Jake from this pain that she was going through each and every day. All Jake knew was that his father was not coming back and he did not understand why. He did understand that his mother was the reason that his father was gone from the household.

Even with all of the efforts that Jake’s mother used to explain that his father had a “brain sickness”, Jake’s temperament become that of rage, anger and not understanding towards her. Another element that Jake’s mother did notice was when he was playing with his set of army men there was always death and torture, all losers, no winners. What she did not know was the resentment Jake felt towards her for making Daddy leave. What Jake’s mother did know was the focus Jake gave to a picture that he was asked to draw by his teacher at the time. Jake was to draw a picture showing “Who do you want to be now? Not when you grow up.” Jake’s attention to this project grew and he produced a picture of him being a very tall person with his mother on one side and his father on the other. This started his mother’s mind working and she started to contact Art Therapists.

What is Art Therapy? Well the technical definition is that it combines the creative process and psychotherapy, it creates self-exploration and understanding. The person uses imagery, colour, and shape as part of the creative therapeutic in order to process, thoughts and feelings that can be expressed that would otherwise be difficult to share. Art Therapy is for any age group. The therapist will work with people as individuals, couples, families, or groups.

The purpose of Art Therapy is to improve or maintain mental health and emotional well-being with the use of drawing, painting, sculpture and photography. Art Therapists are trained to recognize the nonverbal symbols and metaphors that are communicated within the creative process, symbols and metaphors. It is hoped that people will not only gain insight and judgment, but have a better understanding of themselves and the way they relate to the people around them.

In Jake’s case, over time when he was paying with army men, he added a hospital for the wounded. He was trying to save them and not destroy them. Through these sessions, Jake started to be honest to his mother about his feelings towards her and what had happened with his father. After a period of eight months after the time in which his father was not allowed back in the home, Jake was able to tell his mother that he blamed her and that he was upset that she did not wake him up that night and that it was important to him.

While it will take time for all of the emotions to come out with Jake, he took the first important steps of talking with his mother about where the anger was coming from. It will not be for many years as Jake will not understand fully until then why his mother acted the way she did in order to protect him. However, the healing process has started between then through non speaking art and communication.

A Little Wave

A little wave to Tilly Rivers and the Main Street Magazine.  This is an ever growing magazine that originated in Ontario but is starting to expand globally.  Tilly was good enough to have one of my poems grace her magazines precense for the December issue called "A Rose for You".  So please go and get a copy and/or get more information on this magazine at

Molly's Cafe

I am no longer a poetry reading virgin.  Today I went to Molly's Cafe located here in Fredericton and was given an opportunity to read one of my writing during an open mike sessioin.  Afterwards, I was told by the organizer to come back and read anytime I wish.  Too cool and thanks for a great afternoon.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

As I See and Say It, November 14, 2009

As this is my first blog, I will be takign this space to give general opinions and views on todays culture. 

Elder Abuse

Each Christmas morning we have thoughts of children opening presents with a smile, with their parents just looking with pride as each gift gets opened, sharing in their excitement. As each Christmas day moves along there is the family breakfast and then the major event of the Grandparent’s visiting. Yes in each of our mind’s Christmas is family. It is all about sharing, joy, harmony and togetherness. We tell stories of Christmas past with anyone who will listen and share in each other’s togetherness. This is the Christmas the majority of us knows, love and will remember for the rest of our lives.

Now, there is another side of Christmas that we do not picture. However we should. Picture your parents or grandparents not there with you at Christmas. While you are enjoying all the fixings that go along with Christmas, we have forgotten an important member of our lives. They are generally in a nursing or retirement home, getting care from staff, not family. These pillars of our community are alone on this special day. Not only are they alone on this special day they are scared in a lot of cases.

In 1997, the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse was founded with the intent of addressing and preventing the abuse and neglect to this ever important segament of our population. One of the actions that they have brought forward was an International Elder Abuse Day with the first one being held on June 15, 2006 and held on June 15 of each year. Were they able to do this alone? No, they had support from many international organizations such as the World Health Organization, the International Longevity Center and Canada’s own Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.

Unfortunately, here in Canada there have been many reported cases of neglect and abuse towards this distinguished part of our population. It is estimated that between four to ten percent of this population has been through some form of abuse. Unfortunately, the majority of cases are unreported or hidden. To raise awareness of this issue, the Government provides from their website information on recognizing physical, sexual and neglectful abuse.

Since the Government of Canada and our international communities have started to do their part, it is time for us to do ours. Take the time to educate yourself and become fully aware of the surroundings of the seniors in your life. When you visit them this Christmas, take the time to talk and let them know you are there for them as our elders have always been there for us. Once this is accomplished the most important step towards prevention and protection should be taken. When they speak to you, listen and hear them.

Classic Albums

I am a huge music buff and a friend of mine asked me to write down the fifteen most influential CD’s in my life. Unfortunately I could not narrow it down to fifteen. With that being said I am going to use this space to review CD’s that I believe were and are classics.

Steve Earle – The Hard Way

This forgotten masterpiece was Steve Earle’s fourth release for the MCA Companies and the first full CD I had ever heard of his. This was the follow up to another Steve Earle classic “Copperhead Road” and continued his tough stance image. There have been a lot of arguments on whether or not Steve Earle was country at the time and still there is that argument. In my humble opinion with all of the artists that were out at the time and selling themselves as country this CD is about as country as you can get. The craftsmanship of each song tells a story unto itself. I have always said that if you want to know how Steve Earle is feeling then buy a CD and look at the year. Once you listen to it you will know how he is feeling. In this classic, he was feeling transient, (The Other Kind, This Highway’s Mine, West Nashville Boogie), romantic (Promise You Anything, Close Your Eyes, Hopeless Romantics), ready to tell you his opinion (Justice in Ontario, Billy Austin) and a bit nostalgic (Have Mercy). Through it all, Steve Earle gave us honesty. This is a worth listen at anytime.

Also recommend: Guitar Town, Copperhead Road, Jerusleum, and Feel Alright

In closing my first blog, I have a message for those people that decided it would be a good idea to topple over the cenotaph here in Fredericton shortly before Remembrance Day. Plain and simple, you are cowards!

As I See and Say It